PNG majority MPs are already bought up by Indonesia with projects from Asia Development Bank, now Vanuatu already bought by them. Many bridges, roads projects and airports are built in PNG with Asia Development Bank Money, sponsored by Indonesia. MPs in PNG know this, but what can they do? Because they also get money from these projects as well, and they are the ones that give permits to these projects. We Melanesian leaders are easy to become blind when money and women are in front of our eyes, easily available. And Indonesia is already controlling Vanuatu politics.
Now, in PNG alone, 9 active MPs have passed away, the last two from Morobe and Madang (New Guinea territory). Is this logic? Is this according to God's plan? Well, all know, including Lucifer knows, God never has plans to kill His peoples, devil is the killer.
I am sorry to be honest to you all in this group, that many Melanesian leaders think they know how to play with Indonesia. But where and when and how long did they train themselves to play politics with Indonesia? The answer is clear: NEVER! We do not know well what Indonesia is, but we think we know. What a pity for us!
We have hope, God is with us! And we will definitely win, but, again BUT....B...U...T those Melanesian leaders who have received or being paid with Blood Money from Melanesians in West Papua, will bring curse to their own lives and to their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren.
No leader in Melanesia should think that it is the money from Indonesia. They must know that the money Indonesia has today is coming from exploiting Melanesian land of West Papua and by killing Melanesian peoples of West Papua.
All Prime Ministers, Ministers and Members of Parliament from across Melanesian countries should realize now, and if not late, confess and reprent, and promise to God, not to receive any money from Indonesia, the blood money from a country that worships devil. Indonesian majority population do not believe Jesus as God and Saviour. They preach that Christians must be killed in order to be presented with 7 virgins in heavens. They preach that the first and primary enemy of Islam is Christianity. The Melanesians in West Papua are obliterated not just because we are black, but primarily because we are Christians. They believe in greatness of Islam, they believe Indonesia is the modern Islamic Empire of Majapahit, and will finally conquer all Malay Archipelago and Melanesian archipelago> They will use any means, and primarily blood money from West Papua to bring curse on nations, tribes, families, individuals, islands and villagese across Melanesia.
They have completed in West Papua. Many West Papua church leaders and politicians were both poisoned and shot openly. We burried more than 20 Melanesian leaders in West Papua in the last 5 years alone. We are now starting to see 9 active MPs passing away in PNG. We will soon witness the passing away of many other Melanesian leaders across Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia.
Lack of knowledge is a disaster. Lack of wisdom is suicidal. We have to be clear at first, "Blood money is a curse!" No matter whatever argument is used. God created human beings in His own image. Killing men in the names of security, nation-states, peace and national integrity is killing the image of God. God himself will deal with those killers. Likewise, enjoying the blood money for the sake of national security, economic development, global diplomacy, democracy or whatever it is, is a crime against humanity, crime against one's self, crime against one's own family, clan, tribe, island, village, nation.
We are not talking just about Melanesians being killed, we are talking about human beings, God's created beings in His Own Image. We are talking about Idol Worship widely practiced in Indonesia. We are talking about blood money being spread across Melanesia to wipe out Melanesian human-race, deliberately, massively, strategically and structurally. Well organised, and yet well spread out, well planned, and well-covered.
We are talking about God's Kingdom on Earth! We are talking about God's created Island of New Guinea. We are talking about God's created Melanesians in our New Guinea Island. We are talking about consuming blood money presented by evil worshiping nation-state called Satanic Republic of Indonesia.
Yes, we can run our Melanesian countries with our modern logic under modern orchestrated boundaries and laws. However, we as human beings, we as Melanesians must have our own original logic, moral values and dignity to say "No!" to evil and evil doers who roam across Melanesia to find and destroy our Melanesia-hood and take over our Melanesian archipelago.