West Papuan refugees denied access to services, says rep
West Papua ReugeeJuly 12, 2022 The National WEST Papuan refugees in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are often denied access to services such as …
July 12, 2022 The National WEST Papuan refugees in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are often denied access to services such as …
Waromi and I with Prof Pieter Drooglever author the book “An Act of free choice – Decolonisation and the right to s…
The first thing you notice about Veronica Koman (LLM ’19) are her eyes. Cool and determined, they exude razor-sharp fo…
The former president of Timor-Leste has encouraged Indonesia to settle cases of human rights abuses in Papua. Jose Ramo…
Pasifik.news - By Adam Boland - July 21, 2016 An Indonesian soldier has been jailed for 20 years for the gruesome murde…
Reported by AMP Yogyakarta 18th July 2016 Indonesian police and civilian reactionary groups stormed a boarding house fo…
Sesuai dengan arahan melalui seruan aksi yang dibagikan oleh KNPB-PRD wilayah Timika, bahwa aksi damai akan gelar pa…